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Practicing Motivation and Resilience

Writer's picture: KaylaKayla

Have you been struggling with your motivation? Perhaps it is due to a mental health issue, or perhaps the drive to keep going has just left you in the dust. When we lose motivation it can be incredibly difficult to get our groove back, even if we want to. Maybe because we don’t even know where to start.

I find myself in this predicament as well, and it can certainly suck!

I wanted to figure out why I kept losing motivation, how to get myself started again, and how to keep going and ultimately regain my motivation.

When I am motivated, my mental health issues really seem much more bearable because I am taking better care of myself. And I want that for all of you too.

Getting Motivated

Staying motivated is hard for a lot of people, particularly if there is a mental health issue, or some other underlying illness. Even if those issues are present, it is not impossible to regain your motivation. It just might be a bit harder, in which case you really need some self-discipline.

Health Direct and some other informative sources gives us these tips for getting motivated and staying that way.

·         Begin with setting one achievable goal.

o   If it is a larger goal, consider breaking it down into smaller and more quickly achievable goals.

·         Decide how to include your goal in your life.

o   When doing this, you need to figure out what you need to do to make it happen.

·         Put a timeframe on it.

o   Giving yourself a timeline and making it by then is an incredibly satisfactory and motivational thing that helps you keep going.

·         Embrace positive self-talk.

o   If you consistently nag yourself you are not alone. However, the more you do this to yourself, the worse you will feel and the more you will believe it.

·         Lean on friends and family to help you stay accountable.

o   If someone else is helping you stay accountable, you feel even more obligated to complete your goal.

A great way to make any goal is to use the SMART goal framework. I learned the use of this method in my classes at the university I attend.

S- Specific

·         Your goal has to be specific so you will know exactly what you are trying to do.

M- Measurable

·         If you find a way to make your goal measurable, you are able to keep track of your progress.

A- Achievable

·         If your goal is unachievable, how can it motivate you?

R- Relevant

·         If your goal is relevant to what you want in life, you will be much more focused and motivated to complete it. If it fits in with your bigger picture, why wouldn’t you want to do it?

T- Time-Bound

·         If you have a timeline on your goal you can track your progress more efficiently. Also, if you put a time limit on it, you won’t be able to have an excuse of “I can just do it whenever” and then end up procrastinating.

Staying Motivated

Now that we have figured out how to get ourselves motivated, let’s talk about keeping up that momentum!

By regularly reviewing your goals and your progress you can see how far you have gotten, this is a motivator in itself. This is a big, huge dose of “feel good” when you see your progress.

Other ways to help keep up on your motivation are to;

·         Keep setting new goals after you finish one.

o   Perhaps more than one if you are up for it and it won’t burn you out.

·         Keep going!

o   Habits take some time to form. According to experts, making a habit takes around 10 weeks if it is done on a daily basis. This is variable based on plenty of things, for some it could take longer, and for others it could take a shorter amount of time. The idea is to not quit and after some time, it becomes automatic.

·         Be around positive people.

o   If you are continually exposing yourself to negativity, it will make it that much harder to embrace any positive change in your life. This is true for anyone.

·         Rewards!

o   Every time you take a step in the right direction for your goal or habit, do something for yourself. It does not have to be anything in particular, it just has to be something that you like. Something that feels rewarding to you. Maybe it’s watching an episode of your favorite show, or drawing, or reading a good book. Whatever it is, do it.

·         Join a support group.

o   This helps plenty of people, I have not tried this myself due to my anxiety, but I have a good support system, so I don’t actually need this. However, not everyone does and any positive support you can find is a good thing!

·         Exercise.

o   This does NOT have to be an hour long thing! It can be a simple 5 minute yoga or stretch, everyone has at least 5 minutes that they can use to do this. Exercise is really helpful for mental and physical health.

Experiencing a Setback

Nothing is ever going to be 100% set in stone, and everyone experiences setbacks once in a while. The real idea here is to be resilient. Psychologist Susan Kobasa says that there are 3 elements necessary to have resilience. Those are, viewing difficulties as challenges to overcome, staying committed and purposeful, and having personal control.

Being resilient can be developed by anyone! The YMCA helps us with these tips;

·         Figure out how to relax.

o   Taking care of yourself physically and mentally can help you do this.

·         Thought awareness.

o   Remember the positive self-talk we discussed earlier? This is it right here, when negative thoughts start to intrude do not let it derail you! Continuously practice positive self-talk. Find a way to make those negative thoughts positive ones. For example instead of “I failed”, try “this didn’t work, but it might next time.”

·         Change your outlook.

o   Change how you view a negative situation. There is always light at the end of a tunnel.

·         Learn from mistakes.

o   It is OKAY to make mistakes guys! Instead of forgetting it and moving on, think it over to learn what went wrong and how you could change it.

·         Your response is YOUR choice.

o   Choosing to react negatively to every setback will set you back even further. If you stay calm you are more mindful and you can decide how to proceed positively.

·         Build your self-confidence.

o   You can do anything you put your mind to. This is something we tell our children isn’t it? Or maybe our friends? Tell yourself the same thing, believe that you can and keep trying, and eventually you will. People who are confident take risks, and practice a mindset that sets them on the path for success.

·         Keep perspective.

o   It can be easy to get overwhelmed, and after that it feels like a downward spiral am I right? We lose perspective and let those nasty thoughts creep in. But, this situation may not be as devastating as you feel it is. If you maintain a realistic outlook of the situation, it won’t feel like such an issue for your long-term future.

·         Be flexible.

o   Change is one of the most constant things we have in this world if we are being perfectly honest. The same goes for who you are. If something changes with your plans, then amend your goals and carry on. Holding onto to something that doesn’t work just isn’t healthy.

To help you get back on track after a setback, here are some things from Health Direct and others again, to help.

·         Look over your goals again.

o   Make sure that your goal is realistic within your time frame.

·         Make yourself look back on why you needed to be motivated again.

o   If you keep going and suddenly feel like you don’t know why you are doing this, then taking a step back and asking yourself about it can help. Perhaps you should write down the reasons why you needed these goals or habits.

·         Use support from others.

o   This can be from your support group, your friends or family, even a book. Sometimes getting that support and motivation from others can fuel you again.

·         Take a break.

o   This helps me out when I lose my motivation. I veg out and start anew.

·         Self-Care.

o   Truly, taking care of yourself is just immensely powerful and truly helps you keep the tank full.

·         Accept criticism.

o   Feedback is just that, feedback. It isn’t meant to make you feel bad, it is meant to help you figure out what to change or fix or whatever it is to make it or yourself better.

·         Take responsibility.

o   Blaming someone or something else for what goes wrong is not a solution. If you can’t figure out what you did or didn’t do to make a situation not work, then you should take a closer look. By doing that, you can figure out what you need to do to help make it happen.

·         Stay positive.

o   It’s ok to experience this setback, remind yourself that you are not superhuman. (I mean even Superman experienced setbacks don’t be so hard on yourself) Accept that no one, not even you, is perfect. You’re human, and it’s ok. It’s never too late.

Why It’s Hard to Stay Motivated

Well, according to doctors that review Medical News Today the primary reasons of losing motivation are due to being burned out, overwhelmed, or stressed. It could indicate a mental or physical medical condition if it is a constant and long-term loss of motivation.

If you are concerned and do not know the reason for a long term loss of motivation you should seek professional help.

We cannot control a lot of things in life, but we can control what we do about these things. If you are experiencing loss of motivation due to having the previously mentioned typical reasons you could try to:

·         Change patterns and balance.

·         Reach out for help.

·         Find new positive coping skills, or thoroughly practice the positive ones you already have and are neglecting.

·         Utilize relaxation strategies. This can be deep breathing, yoga, meditation, etc.

Final Thoughts

Don’t give up on yourself when you lose motivation as this will only make it worse. This I know from my own experiences. If you feel a lack of motivation practice the tips I’ve found for us, or even do research on more helpful tips that can help you get to where you need to be. Truly embrace a more positive and growth mindset, as this can really go a long way in how you view yourself and your life.

Best regards,


Stope wishing, start doing.
Practicing Motivation and Resilience

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