One of the stigma’s surrounding mental health is that “we are too emotional” or “we get easily offended”. As more and more people are found to have mental health issues, others are finding new ways to give us crap about it. New ways to say we are just being babies. People don’t understand that even when we do overreact to situations that we realize it and even know we are overreacting and literally cannot help it. You start to believe people that say you are easily offended and too emotionally damaged.
And yet sometimes, if you are like me, you truly feel nothing. Sometimes I wake up thinking fuck the world I don’t give a crap today. Because on those days I don’t feel a thing and I’m just happy to be rude. I don’t particularly like this aspect; however, I don’t dislike it either. It gives me reprieve from being too emotional sometimes. I know when I overreact, and I hate it. I can’t help it.
Here’s something else though, think about you for a minute. Are you truly easily offended? Or do you know that even though you aren’t offended by something that maybe you tend to act like you might be? Because you overthink something very mundane? You know when a joke is a joke, but do you let it go? Not always we don’t, we might know there’s a joke there and then maybe it’s been joked about a lot, so you start to overthink that maybe it isn’t just a joke. When you finally are done analyzing over it you realize that it wasn’t meant any harm.
This isn’t being offended, this is your anxiety. People suffering from an anxiety disorder overthink a lot of things, and it isn’t their fault. Just because we might get offended doesn’t mean we really are, we just think we might be, and then people tell us that we are. Next time instead of believing that person that says you are too easily offended, you tell yourself that you are just experiencing anxiety, acknowledge it and take control of it. When you learn your own signs of anxiety you start to realize things about yourself, when you acknowledge your issues, you really start to learn more about yourself. Being intuitive enough to recognize your signs will really help you.
In doing this you get to see that hey, I know this is just meant to be funny, then just move on. It seems impossible when you first start trying to do this, but as soon as the anxiety starts talking acknowledge it. Let it say what it is going to say, then speak to it, tell it what is really happening. Anxiety isn’t an actual person, so it doesn’t know a true reality. Talking to it might seem weird at first too, acting like it’s its own energy. But it is its own energy. Think of it as separate from you, and every time it starts to bat its eyes and talk some shit rebuttal it. Give it a different view. A positive view. This is hard to put into practice, but it really works, and when you start doing it more and more often than other negative views about yourself and others start to unravel, and you can find more uplifting views and stances to take with those things too. It just gets easier the more you do it.
When I started to recognize certain thought process changes, I started communicating with my body in ways that I hadn’t before. I started realizing things about myself that were different than what I used to always tell myself. The story I gave myself. You are giving yourself a story too, and maybe it isn’t the right story. Maybe you should find a positive way to tell yourself a different story, one that helps you combat this negative energy. We are in a war, a psychological war with our own mind and body. And the way to win a war is by winning the small battles within it. The biggest battle is how the story goes, and you get to decide that, not your anxiety.
Best Regards,